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Boards That Matter

Governing Boards have one thing in common whether they are in the business arena, a non-profit enterprise, or the public government sector. That is, change is inevitable for all of them. How is it that some governing boards just seem to have a continuous record of excellence, while others change drastically based on the outcome of each election or appointment?

Being a Board that Matters requires a focused intent to continually deliver on your commitment to further the goals of the organization you represent. It means all members recognize the need to see the Board as a single entity speaking with one voice. A governing body that deliberates with enthusiasm and transparency carefully considering all points of view before voting. And once the vote has been held, the Board speaks with one voice, supporting the actions of the majority.

Each member comes from a unique background and experience, and comes prepared to share their findings on a topic while practicing effective listening to really hear the opinions and facts of the other members. Effective Boards recognize the expertise of the organizations staff and actively engage them in fact finding. New members should be provided the rules of engagement that were adopted by the previous Boards, and agree to uphold the integrity of the governing body and the parliamentary process.

As the 2020 election comes to a close, many of you will find yourselves as a newly elected member of a local governing body. Congratulations! You have a great deal to learn and a great deal to offer your community through your experiences. Make the pledge to be a Board that Matters! Conduct your meetings like you would a business meeting for your employer, because that is what they are. Your meetings are for conducting the business of the organization. Take advantage of every learning opportunity offered. Truly listen to the people you represent. Remember ethics matter in everything you do. You will be a member of a Board that Matters!